6 research outputs found

    The Problem of the Meccan Verses in the Research of Certain Orientalists

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    أهداف البحث: يهدف البحث لإعادة النظر في بعض مقولات المستشرقين عن طبيعة الفروقات بين السور المكية والمدنية في القرآن؛ خاصة الادعاء بأن النبي كان يعيد كتابة القرآن ويحرره وفقا للتطورات النفسية والسياسية التي كان يمر بها. ويسعى البحث للتعرف على مصدر هذه المقولات من خلال الأعمال التي نشرها أربعة من كبار المستشرقين فيما يتصل بالقرآن المكي، ثم مقارنتها مع ما ورد في نصوص القرآن المكي، وتبيين المفارقة الكبيرة بينهما. منهج الدراسة: يسير البحث على منهج تحليل النصوص وفقا لأساليب البلاغة العربية، كما يستأنس بالمنهج التاريخي، حيث ينظر الى النصوص في السياق التاريخي الذي ودرت فيه. النتائج: توصل الباحث الى عدم صحة الأقوال الثلاثة التالية: أن النبي كان يعيد كتابة القرآن وفقا للتطورات النفسية والسياسية التي كان يمر بها، وأن الهجرة كانت تمثل تطورا جذريا في دعوة الإسلام، وأن السور المكية كانت متشائمة في مجملها. وقد تبين خطأ هذه الأقوال من خلال تتبع دقيق لنصوص السور المكية التي تؤكد عكس ذلك. أصالة البحث: يبين البحث أن بعض دراسات المستشرقين تعتمد على مرتكزات فكرية مسبقة، وأن بعضهم يحاول أن يعيد ترتيب آيات القرآن وسوره وفقا لتلك المرتكزات، مما يخرجها تماما عن الموضوعية العلمية والأمانة الفكرية.Purpose: The study aims to revisit some of the assumptions made by orientalist scholars about the nature of the differences between the Meccan and Medinan surahs (chapters) in the Qur'an; especially the claim that the Prophet was rewriting the Qur'an and re-editing it according to certain psychological and political developments that he was undergoing. The research seeks to identify the source of these assumptions by way of examining the works of four leading Orientalists in relation to the Meccan Qur’an, and then compare them with the texts of the Meccan Qur’an, so as to show the glare discrepancies between them. Methodology: The study is based on the method of text analysis in line with Arabic rhetoric, as well as the historical approach, where texts are seen in light of the historical context in which they were produced. Findings: The study concluded that the following three assumptions are incorrect: that the Prophet was rewriting the Qur'an in accordance with the psychological and political developments he was undergoing, that Hijra (migration to Medina) represented a radical development in the basic tenets of Islam, and that the Meccan surahs were pessimistic in their entirety. The falsity of such assumptions are exposed upon a close reading of the Meccan surahs texts, thus demonstrating the opposite. Originality: The study highlights the fact that some of the orientalist’ studies depend on preconceived intellectual bases, and that some of them attempt to rearrange the Qur’anic Ayahs (verses) and its surahs according to those bases, which puts their scientific objectivity and intellectual honesty in question

    Contemporary Qatar : Examining State and Society

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    This book addresses critical topics and unanswered questions on the contemporary state of Qatar. Drawing together a unique combination of authors that have researched the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) in general, and the state of Qatar specifically, each author provides an in-depth empirical analysis of Qatar’s current social, political, and economic landscape against a historically informed backdrop. Cognizant of its rapid state of flux, the contributors collectively provide a comprehensive overview of the intersection of these respective areas, delving into the historical creation of Qatar as a state, its politics and systems of governance, its economic strata and reliance on natural resources, its society and national identity, its new and thriving sports culture, and, most topically, matters of diplomacy, the 2017 blockade, and its armed forces. Owing to the contributors’ invaluable firsthand experience and knowledge of Qatar, this book provides valuable insights into this nation, at once old and new, and its intertwined trajectories in its socio-political and economic positionality within the region. This book is an invaluable resource for students and scholars researching the Middle East generally, and the Gulf, specifically, with interests in topics such as politics and international relations, political economy and foreign policy, development, sources of social change, societal activism, popular culture, and the various elements of identit